Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Profile, Updated

Here's an update of the same thing I did about 1 year ago!

Owen Robert
Age: 17 months, 3 weeks and 3 days, i.e. Basically 18 months
Nicknames: Owenston, Little O, Owen the Samoan

Likes: Water, bottles, opening and closing, trying to force a square peg into a round hole, getting the mail, using daddy as a trampoline, climbing everything, locks and keys, planes, trains, automobiles, tractors, the movie Cars, bike rides, playgrounds, ducks, basketball.

Dislikes: hats, sitting still, most foods, soy milk, diaper changes, sharing, time out

Things that make me smile: Singing the "itsy bitsy spider", doing ring around the rosy, hide-and-seek, dancing, being chased by mommy or daddy, seeing a train (or MAX light rail) go by, seeing a school bus

Favorite foods: Milk, peaches, asparagus, cheese, breakfast sausage, rice, beans, Cheetos/Pirates Booty, fruit-bu (organic smooshed fruit), more cheese.

Least favorite foods: Pretty much anything not listed above. VERY picky eater.

Hidden (or not-so hidden) talents: Ability to climb to ridiculous heights in the most dangerous places, ability to empty the entire contents of the trash into the toilet without anyone noticing, ability to take up an entire king-sized bed at night, ability to identify any and all basketball hoops within a quarter-mile radius, ability to hear any and all trains within a 5 mile radius, ability to sweat my own body weight at night, ability to completely soak mom and/or dad and the entire bathroom at bath-time