Thursday, October 25, 2007

My Profile

Name: Owen Robert
Age: 6 months, 3 weeks exactly
Nicknames: Pumpkin, Munchkin, Owenston, Owenthal, Owen Bear, Owen Monster, Little O, Cutie Von Stinkerbutt

Likes: Long walks on the beach (or around town ... not that I do much of the actual walking), exersaucing, taste-testing items, my parents (I'm too little to know any better), toys, laughing, baths and swimming.

Dislikes: Getting dressed, being alone, shots, gravity (it's against me!), hats

Things that make me smile: Mommy singing my favorite song "Whoop, there it is!", people making animal noises (especially birds and monkeys), daddy coming home from work, the "all done" sign (mom and dad just look funny doing it), and pretty much anyone smiling at me (I'm a big hit with the general public since I'll pretty much smile at anyone any time).

Favorite foods: Sweet potatoes (my favorite! Good thing mom went overboard and made lots), milk, bananas

Least favorite foods: None. I like everything so far!

Hidden (or not-so hidden) talents: Ability to evade diaper changes, singing ability, stellar balance on my feet, my ability to always find something I'm not supposed to have and stick it in my mouth, soaking shirt after shirt with drool non-stop for 3.5 months and going, good distance on my projectile spit-up, fake coughing.