Thursday, November 20, 2008


  • Owen ran through the living room very quickly and I said "Hey, where's the fire!?" He stopped, turned and pointed to the fireplace and said, "fire."
  • I asked Owen who his friends are. He said "Chase." I continued to ask him "Who else?" and this is what he said in order: Mommy, umm... Daddy, ummm... Owen, ummm... Mommy, Daddy, Mommy, Daddy. He has lots of friends.
  • Owen cannot even begin to say the name of our current house guest, Kathleen, so he calls her "people." Yesterday, before she got home, I asked him where Kathleen was. He said "people sleeping."
  • If you drive past Panera, Owen screams "eat! eat!" and becomes upset that we don't stop. When we see a McDonalds he says "fries", any one of his chain daycares "school", to any starbucks "coffee." He knows when we are close to any train tracks and yells "choo choo!" He knows where some tractors are and will point them out, even in the dark when they aren't visable. If we drive past the street to our house, he becomes upset and yells "HOME!"
  • We went to a new coffee shop for parents and little kids and Owen spent almost 2.5 hours at the train table. If any other kids tried to play with it or take the trains, he had an absolute fit and would chase them down. We're working on sharing. But when it comes to trains ... watch out.