Thursday, March 27, 2008

What's New?

Thought I'd re-cap some new stuff in Owen's World (Yes, "Owen" substitutes well in the "Elmo's World" song!).
  • Owen just learned the sign for light, although it (and many other signs) are a little too complex for his hand coordination right now so it just looks like he's waving at the ceiling. He also says 'lie' as he signs it. Which is the first time I've really heard him say anything starting with L.
  • Likewise, he's absolutely fascinated by lights and the fact that light switches control the lights! We have rocker switches in our house and he has a hard time controlling them himself.
  • He now signs: more, all done, milk, light, and down. I think he was too focused on his new walking skills recently to want to really pick up any more but I think he's ready to start picking up more signs now. He just learned light and down in the past couple of days.
  • He says: mama, dada, ball, more, all done, milk, light, book, keys. Surprising to me that he can say more than he can sign! I think that will change soon.
  • He's really working on exercising his vocal cords these days. He constantly babbles in what sounds like a foreign language.
  • He's very into pointing now and saying something that sounds like "this". As I carry him around he'll point at things he wants off counters and shelves and say "this" (but they are probably on counters or shelves because he's not supposed to have them)!
  • He LOVES watching videos of himself on the computer. He'll go up to the computer and point and say "this."
  • He has definitely mastered walking. I decided that he'd be an official walker once I was comfortable letting him walk on cement ... and he's been doing that for many weeks now.
  • He is starting the climbing thing... he tries to climb on anything that is about waist-height ... usually toys.
  • He is a bully. He walks up to other babies and kids and smacks them in the face. It's actually affectionate smacking... but the babies and kids might disagree. He hasn't mastered "gentle" quite yet.
  • He thinks he can keep up with big kids at playgrounds. In fact, if they are in his way, he does not hesitate to push them aside. Most seem taken aback by this little baby walking up to them, taking their toys, and pushing them aside. Luckily, his bullying is unintentional at this point.
  • He learned how to throw a ball a while ago ... and unfortunately, he now throws other toys as well.
  • He loves books, balls and cars.
  • He weighed 21 pounds, 14 ounces last week at the doctor visit.