Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Owen and Daddy visit Spokane

We just made it back today from our big trip to Spokane. Owen was able to spend four days with his great Grandma and friends Amara & Holden. He did a great job travelling and was a big hit at the airport and on the planes, making friends with other kids, TSA security, ticket agents and flight attendants. We even rode the train to the airport which was a big day of traveling for Owen, but he kept up like a champ. In Spokane we visited several parks, went on walks, played with Owen's good friend Amara (with some decent instances of sharing), got to see baby Holden, ate a lot of food (including treats of course) and spent some quality time with Grandma. We took so many pictures that Owen used his common phrase 'no more pictures Daddy' and we ran out of battery power by Monday, several more pictures to follow soon.