Tuesday, February 10, 2009

22-Month Update

I don't have any pictures to share but thought I'd update on what is going on in Owen's world. Owen is now 22 months old. It is hard to believe that he'll be turning 2 in less than 2 months! We've been struggling with non-stop colds in our household and think perhaps we'll be sick forever!

Owen got a big boy bed from IKEA recently but we won't be making the transition for a while. Between the colds and second molars, nights aren't great as it is. Owen got a Wall-E fleece blanket for his big boy bed so it is now referred to as his "Wall-E" bed.

On Sunday, we all went to a Blazer's afternoon game. We parked downtown in Travis's garage and rode the MAX train to the game. He was very excited about the train. He sat in shock at the game for the first quarter. Then he would clap and say "go blazers." Then he was done. "Train. Ride." Unfortunately, our seats were smack in the middle of a packed row so we decided to just leave at halftime rather than have to fight our way out of the row 2 minutes in. Of course, it ended up being a good game, with a shot at the buzzer to win it.

Owen is talking more and more every day. Last night as he was laying in bed he couldn't stop talking. "Daddy take Owen school. Car. Daddy's Car. School. Fun. Friends. Minaya. Sun. Play. Lunchtime. Eat. Friends. Play. Daddy home. Daddy work. Daddy come upstairs. Daddy Loud. (He's hearing daddy now). Noise. Loud."

He is at school for longer days now that I've returned to work full-time. But he loves it there, luckily. And he hasn't even gotten into too many scuffles lately!

We went to the Museum of Flight with my parents and his cousins Mikah and Kellen a few weeks ago. Now whenever he hears or sees a plane or I mention planes, he says "Airplanes. Mikah. Kellen." He saw a coat at a store that kinda looked like one of my mom's 90,000 coats and he said "Grandma. Coat." One time he saw someone he thought could be one of his grandmas and said "Grandma!" Whenever he sees or hears dogs he assumes at least on of them is Jax. It's crazy how long he can hold onto an association!