Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Can't find the Words

Owen wants to carry on conversations SO badly. But he's just not there yet. His vocabulary and command of the language seems to improve daily and there is always something amusing coming out of his mouth.

Yesterday, he started saying "yessir" instead of "yes." Do you want to eat? "Yessir." NO idea where that came from.

He says "ummm..." a lot to try to fill in the missing words. Like: what do you want to do? "Ummmm ... trains ... ummmm ... upstairs... ummm come."

Travis put up some Christmas lights over the weekend and as we were driving home and talking about Christmas lights he said "lights house daddy make."

He's very demanding: "come" and "bring" and "go" are common.

When he wants something he will give you a hint as to what your response should be, i.e. "juice! yes! juice! yes! yes!"

Everything is "blue" if you ask him the color and if you ask him how many of anything there is or to count he says "three." Very occasionally he will count "one, two, three."

About 98% of the time if you ask him what he wants to eat, whether morning, noon or night, his response is "pastas."

This week he LOVES Curious George and becomes upset when the credits roll. "More monkey! More George! George!"