Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Owen’s Newest Talents

Owen is working on jumping. He hasn’t gotten any air yet but understands the word and the concept and tries to jump when I say “jump!”

He now does a run/walk but hasn’t figured out full-blown running yet (phew!).

He’s also been trained to “get mommy” which involves run-walking to me with arms outstretched and fingers wiggling, then tickling me. He doesn’t “get daddy” quite as well. I guess I need to work on that.

Monkey see, Monkey do. Owen is very into imitating right now. If I run my hand through my hair, he runs his hand through his hair. If he sees another kid do something, he tries to do it as well.

Owen will put any phone or anything that remotely resembles a phone (calculator, box, baby monitor, etc) up to his ear and say “ooooooooooo?”

Owen puts his own dirty diapers in the diaper genie. If only we could train him to change his own diapers!

Owen knows Elmo, will retrieve one of his 9,000 Elmo dolls if you ask him “where’s Elmo?” And although I’d like to deny it, has on occasion said “Elmo”. He’s also simultaneously amused and frightened by Hokey Pokey Elmo.

His newest words are Elmo, balloon, spoon … I think that’s all since the last update. He is starting to sign “bath.”

Oh, and Owen also did our taxes for us this year. ;-)