Saturday, February 23, 2008

Happy Birthday to Daddy!

Friday was daddy's birthday! He's super old. Like at least 20 or so. ;)

Here is the best present daddy got! It's a pasta bowl with my handprint on it!

I helped daddy open his presents. For some reason a lot of his presents were wrapped in baby-themed gift bags. Hmmm... I wonder why?

Here's daddy's bright pink cake! Good thing he is secure in his masculinity. I didn't get any cake. Mom says I have to wait till my own birthday to enjoy such sugary goodness. Plus, it was a strawberry cake and babies aren't supposed to have any berries until they turn 1.

Here I am helping daddy blow out all 6 of his candles. We didn't want to have to apply for a permit from the fire department in order to light as many candles as it would have taken to reach daddy's age. So he just got 6.

This was good training for my birthday. It's coming up on April 4th. Don't forget to send me presents! ;)