Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Does this make my head look big?

Owen had his 9-month checkup today and is certified a happy, healthy baby! However, his head circumference is now in the 95th percentile (which has risen from the 25th percentile at birth). We have to return in a few weeks so they can measure his head again just to make sure it's not growing out of control. Most likely he's just taking after his dad (who sleeps on an extra-large pillow).

Unfortunately, Owen started screaming in the i'm-in-so-much-pain way this afternoon out of the blue. Not sure if it has to do with today's Polio vaccination or perhaps a new tooth breaking through the gums. Hopefully it's nothing a nice nap won't cure ...

(Oh, and his 9-month stats are in the table to the right for those of you following along!)