Owen will be 6 months old in three days. And he's absolutely crazy! Seriously, you'd think he'd been hanging around with the wrong baby-crowd and was getting into some baby-crack, or perhaps at least ate the neighbor cat's catnip. When on the floor, he rolls around, scoots, throws his butt up in the air, and otherwise goes CRAZY! He's ready to crawl! But isn't too close to figuring it out. When sitting up, he often gets bored and dives head-first towards a toy he is interested in. It's also becoming more difficult to change his diaper as he likes to roll over in the middle of the diaper-change and roll or lunge for interesting things in his line of sight!
In the past few days he has shifted his bedtime from 8:30 or 9 PM to 11 PM!!!!! Today he refused to take a morning nap and didn't go down till 1:30 PM (compared to 10 AM). When nursing or eating, he is VERY easily distracted and often will be kicking his legs and waving his arms as he eats. He is an active little munchkin!
Today is my first day home after leaving my (other) job. Owen is managing to keep me very busy!
Oh, and a PS for those of you who can't pass by the baby clothes section without picking something up for Owen (I won't say who I'm talking about except that your names start with 'Grand'): He's in desperate need of long-sleeved shirts and pants in the 6-9 month or 9 month sizes now that the weather has turned cold!